
GKD kicks off release of two new product ranges with full Network Rail RIS-1530

Safety technology stalwart GKD Technologies is excited to launch its new Series 2 and Series 3 range of movement limiting devices and rated capacity indicators, both of which have received Network Rail approval.

Series 3 is designed specifically for the rail industry and builds on twenty-years of experience supplying this highly regulated industry. The system includes Tandem Lift functionality and a variant for Mobile Elevated Work Platforms. GKD’s rated capacity indicators are the preferred system across the UK rail network, over 75% of applicable machines registered with Network Rail have a GKD safety control solution fitted.

The latest generation of the UK rail industries most tried and tested safety control solution includes several new features and has been awarded full Network Rail approval, meeting all the requirements to work as a high-performance movement limiting device.

The Series 2 range of products are versatile and adaptable systems designed specifically for the construction sector. They become the first GKD civils products to be Network Rail approved for use in either low performance or high performance zones, depending on specification. The range is ideal for use on sites where height, slew and load need to be monitored and controlled to keep people safe, protect machines and other infrastructure.

Nick Ground, Founder and Director of Innovation at GKD said, “The process of gaining Network Rail approval is not to be underestimated. Our team has worked extremely hard to ensure our product range meets the stringent requirements and are as effective as they can be at keeping people safe.

The new Series 2 and 3 have new features; virtual walls, envelope control and an unrivalled number of loading zones to ensure machines are working as productively as possible. Most importantly though, they are using consistent hardware from trusted suppliers and software that we have developed in house that has undergone significant testing and development to get to this point. It is an exciting step forward for everyone involved.”

David Perez, CEO at GKD continued, “Both product ranges have been designed with the operator in mind, the interface is intuitive and driven by a robust and responsive touchscreen. Increasingly our civils customer base is focusing on the importance of Network Rail approval and what it means to them.

Offering products that enable machines to work in both high and low performance zones ensure flexibility of application and reassurance of the systems capabilities.”