VTN CI3000 shear breaks up Boeing 747

AR Demolition take on the job of cutting up Boeing 747 end of life aeroplanes using a VTN CI3000 scrap shear on their Kiesel multi carrier. This clip featured on the BBC News 7-7-17.

The VTN CI series of scrap shears offer value for money and versatility in many applications of demolition and scrap metal recycling.

The CI Hydraulic Scrap Shear is ideal for cutting and recycling steel sheets, beams and posts. With 12 models in the range for excavators with operating weights of 2 to 100 tonnes, continuous 360° rotation, fully-protected cylinder, speed valve, adjusting spacer kit on moving jaw, high cutting strength performances and interchangeable tip and reversible/interchangeable blades, there is CI shear for every contractor in an assortment of applications.