Multitel Pagliero SpA, is presenting the new MJE 250 on the European market.
The new model is the first one of the new MJ range renewals.
The MJE 250 has 250 kg cage capacity, four extendable automatic outriggers with variable stabilization area so they can be extended on one on both sides as well as front and rear.
With extended outriggers and 100Kg on the basket, the platform guarantee over 14 m horizontal outreach on the side and nearly 17 m on the rear. A further advantage guarantee by this model is the negative part of the working diagram tht with boom full extended can reach -3,5 m.
The articulated jib guarantees a further versatility of this model, ideal for several application where the further articulation can help to reach the working position.
The core technology is Aluminium Multitel, which is the result of advanced technological research on aluminium alloys that the company has been conducting for many years, allowing light and rigid structures to be obtained, as well as remarkable height and outreach. MJE 250 is entirely designed and built in our facilities in Manta, Italy (in the province of Cuneo) and is the first product in a new range with best-in-class performance.
The telescopic boom is made of high-resistance aluminium alloys based on a specific Multitel design. Manufactured in a single piece without welded joints, offer strengthunder any condition. The boom has five sections of which four are telescopic with smooth movement guaranteed by the full-proportional hydraulics controls.

The MUSA (Multitel-Self-Adapting outreach) system has been integrated with the additional “X” implementation. MUSA X combines the flexibility of the classic MUSA where the outreach is calculated on the base of outrigger extension, weight in the cage, geometric configuration of the boom (angle and length), with a new variable: the inclination of the chassis. This improvement, based on the proved MUSA system give the maximum possible performance to the basket in every position of the arm and accepting a maximum of 3°residual chassis inclination.
The actual measured inclination of the chassis (measured on 360° of the arm) is used to adjust in real time the (pressure based) outreach limiter.
is available. This system maximises the work area according to the load on the cage and to the position of the outriggers, giving the MTE 230 a high degree of versatility for various work tasks.
The MJE 250 has a strong aluminium alloy sub-frame welded automatically by our robots. The standard configuration includes the single button automatic outrigger stabilization, single button automatic return to transport position, all of which make it a very user friendly as well as a high-performance platform.
Also available on the MJE 250 is the Remote communication system, with the possibility of GPS localization, machine status display, parameterization and remote diagnosis, throughthe proprietary Telemetry system.
The platform is currently offered on Mercedes Sprinter and Iveco Daily both with Euro 6 D low emission engines, Iveco Daily 35S14H, Mercedes Sprinter 311-314, and Isuzu M21 Ground trucks.The machine can also be fitted on trucks with PTT>3.5 tons, according to specific customer specifications.