
Northumberland County Council has invested in a JCB Pothole Pro to help keep the county’s roads running smoothly.

It has bought the machine following a successful trial of the rapid road repairer. The Pothole Pro was put through its paces by the council last summer and will now help maintain some of the county’s 3,000+ miles of road.

Its initial focus will be in the more urban south-east of the county, where the machine’s manoeuvrability and mobility mean it can be deployed quickly in town centres and on housing estates to complete repairs at multiple locations each day. Tests with other local authorities and contractors show the JCB Pothole Pro can increase the rate of repairs dramatically.

Councillor John Riddle, Cabinet Member for Local services, said: “This is a great example of how we are using innovation and the latest technology to improve the services we provide. With a huge 3,000 miles of road to look after, anything that can speed up the process of repair and maintenance and save money is a win-win.”

Cllr Riddle added: “We know road defects are one of the issues that cause our residents most concern and we’re determined to do everything we can to keep our roads in the best condition possible.”

The development of the JCB Pothole Pro has been personally led by JCB Chairman Lord Bamford. He said: “I’m delighted that Northumberland County Council is joining other local authorities across the UK in investing in the JCB Pothole Pro, which is exceeding expectations with its speed and productivity.”