A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon

An upgrade to the A14 between Ellington, west of Huntingdon, to the Milton junction on the Cambridge Northern Bypass. Includes widening the A1 between Brampton and Alconbury.

The government has made a provision for £1.5 billion of capital investment for this scheme. The proposals will be funded through a combination of contributions from Central Government, local authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships.

Once work is complete the existing A14 will be ‘de-trunked’ between Huntingdon and Swavesey and between Alconbury and Spittals interchange. This means the road will gain county road status and Highways England will pass responsibility for the road to the local authority.

A1 widening between Brampton and Alconbury

We’ll widen the A1 between Brampton and Alconbury over approx 3½ miles, from 2 lane dual carriageway to 3 lane dual carriageway. Between Brampton and Brampton Hut we will construct a new road to the west of the existing A1. The existing A1 road becomes part of the new A14 Huntingdon Southern Bypass.

A New Huntingdon Southern Bypass

A new Huntingdon Southern Bypass, approx 12½ miles in length, will provide a 2 lane dual carriageway between Ellington and the A1 at Brampton and a 3 lane dual carriageway between Brampton and Swavesey.

This removes a large proportion of traffic from the existing A14 between Huntingdon and Swavesey as well as Brampton Hut and Spittals interchange. The new bypass will include a raised viaduct section of road running across the river Great Ouse and a bridge over the East Coast Mainline railway.

It will include junctions with the A1 at Brampton and with the A1198 at Godmanchester.

Huntingdon Town Centre improvements

We’ll demolish the A14 rail viaduct over the East Coast Mainline railway and Brampton Road in Huntingdon. A through route will be maintained broadly along the line of the existing A14 through Huntingdon, making use of the Brampton Road bridge to cross the railway line and by constructing a new link road from Brampton Road to connect with the A14 to the west.

A14 widening

We’ll widen the existing A14 over approximately 5½ miles to provide three lanes in each direction between Swavesey and Bar Hill and to four lanes in each direction between Bar Hill and Girton. Widening of a 1½ mile section of the Cambridge Northern Bypass between Histon and Milton.

A14 junction improvements

We’ll improve the capacity of existing junctions at Swavesey, Bar Hill and Girton and make sure they are compatible with adjacent proposed developments such as Northstowe. We’ll improve access and connections for cyclists, horseriders and pedestrians.

We’ll construct a new local access road, approximately 5 miles in length. This will be dual carriageway between Fen Drayton and Swavesey and single carriageway between Swavesey and Girton. This provides a route for local traffic between Cambridge and Huntingdon and access to properties and businesses along the corridor.

Development Consent Order – requirements register

We made a commitment to publish and update a register listing the requirements to be completed as part of the Development Consent Order (specified under the Register of Requirements in Schedule 2). This sets out:

  • each requirement
  • whether the requirement needs approval by the Secretary of State (or other duty holder)
  • whether any approval has been applied for or given

Environmental Impact

Looking after the environment is an important part of our work and we will be running a number of forums to help us maintain close working relationships with environmental organisations. Updates on environmental work will also be shared at our other forums.

We’ve already surveyed the environment around the proposed route so we can assess how the scheme might affect wildlife and make sure the scheme complies with legislation protecting wildlife.

These surveys influence the scheme design – for example, where we place underpasses so mammals can pass safely under the new road.

Protected species

Protected species included along the proposed route are:

  • Cetti’s warblers and Grasshopper warblers
  • Great Crested newts
  • bats
  • breeding birds such as swifts and sparrows
  • badgers

In addition to new landscaping, plants and trees, 18 areas will be created specifically for this wildlife. Find out more about how we will be protecting wildlife and the environment.

Cyclists, horseriders and pedestrians

We listened carefully to the views of those impacted by the scheme during consultation and, as a result, the A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme includes a variety of provisions for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians.

These include:

  • 32 new crossings
  • over 18 miles of new cycle and walking routes, including a 7.5 mile provision for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians from Fenstanton to the north of Cambridge
  • two dedicated non-motorised user bridges – one at Swavesey for pedestrians and cyclists and the other at Bar Hill, suitable for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians
  • ten new controlled crossings
  • and 6 reinstated public right of way links

One of the scheme objectives is to leave a positive legacy in the local area, and we are currently working closely with local councils to investigate additional projects that we may be able to support

For more information: http://roads.highways.gov.uk/projects/a14-cambridge-to-huntingdon/#news