JCB Introduces the 370X its Largest Excavator to Date.



JCB has unveiled its largest excavator in the advanced JCB X series range. 

Billed not only as the largest but the most advanced excavator in the X series the machine does not disappoint. 

With a max dig depth of 8.36m and a 240Kw engine, this conventional tailswing machine has a 2.1m cubed max bucket capacity and weighs in at 39,888kg. 

JCB engineers appear to have once again, in the words of the chairman ‘obsessed over every detail’. All to deliver a machine that will make many in the industry pay special attention to. 

As the big brother in the X series, the machine range is designed around strength and durability, comfort and ease of use, reliability, efficiency, productivity and serviceability. 

In benchmark testing JCB state that the machine, when in power mode, will deliver from its 8.9 L9 Cummins engine, 300 tonnes more material from a single tank of fuel. In Eco mode the stats are even more impressive, with 40 tonnes more material shifted per hour, using 6 litres less fuel per hour during lorry loading. 

With a machine of this scale, safety and visibility are critically important, a twin HD camera system fitted as standard, really does give the operator an optimised view. Protecting themselves, those around them and the machine. 

The operator really does appear to have come first with this machine…Yes, the performance stats are impressive, but ensuring the operator can go to work in comfort and the machine is easy to work with is in abundant evidence. 

The 10” in cab touch screen is both intuitive and stylish with a host of options and gadgets that can be managed by machine owners to ensure the correct configurations are applied job by job and operator by operator. 

The market will ultimately decide, but this bigger, better machine, is a powerful option.  With fuel cost high, the performance statistics, cost of ownership and operator performance will be attractive to many in many settings. 

Watch the FULL reveal video here: