The UK Plant Operator of the Year campaign runs throughout 2023, enabling manufacturers and distributors to reach and penetrate core markets with key messaging.

By participating in this event, sponsors demonstrate to owners and operators that your equipment has all the latest technology and advantages to get the job done, safely, productively and in a way that is kinder to the environment.

In 2023 the campaign will see a number of exciting developments, promoting construction as a more attractive career option.
Sponsorship opportunities are now available for the 2023 campaign. This turnkey marketing solution, with just one competitive investment, enables an always on marketing plan, targeting your key markets.

We offer 3 comprehensive packages to suit all budgets, providing brands with all year-round marketing support.

Select your category to become the exclusive sponsor of that machine and see your product in action on Finals Day.

UKPOOTY’23 It Just Makes Sense, let’s Share the Vision, let’s do this Together.

Hirers & Contractors Are You Ready…

In addition to owner operators and independent operators, this year we are welcoming applications from the UK’s leading hire companies and contractors. Who on entering a team of five, will be able to demonstrate and quantify the quality and technical ability of their operators.

Great to show clients, great to retain the best and great to attract new operators to your team.

A new way of attracting new talent to train or upskill providing skills for life.